Week 8, sorry I’m late

Hello beautiful new journal. I can finally write in the journal that came a little while ago. The beginning of my phone troubles started on Sunday. I was still debating whether or not to get a new phone or a tattoo. Obviously the phone is the priority now. I need to lose 30 lbs. I need molds for my clay. I could make such pretty bottles. 

It was Monday and  Mommy’s birthday…and uncle Eric…Went to the Bronx to get the stitches taken out of my foot. Omg I can finally wet it. Scrubbed the crap out of it. Martha did not come over like promised. I was pretty upset. 

Happy Cinco De Mayo! I did not drink like I usually do. That’s a good thing. Updates always get in Hubby’s way lol. He can never just use the computer easy peasy. People dancing on the people. Martha only texts me when she needs to know the name of a movie she can describe. Boo. 

It’s Wednesday and Hubby is really enjoying the coding course, I’m glad. Everytime i write in my journal I get ink all over my arm. I need to put the pen down somewhere else. Im so dry. No amount of lotion can fix it, it seems. I’m gonna save up and run away to Alaska. Im a sexy beast. You’re ripped at every edge but youre a masterpiece.

It was beautiful outside on Thursday. Spent a pretty penny on food. Mostly snacks. Gotta have my snacks. I want nicer feet. They are bunion free but now the scars. Maybe tattoos. Maybe like in a pond with fish. Cleaned Sunev and he bled all over my hand. Now it’s blue.

Friday was another early day to the Bronx. Also it was  Payday, my favorite day. I had to get the giant box of Nicorette because they didn’t have the small one. I bought mommy gluten free food. I bought lamb over rice for everyone. I can’t believe that halal truck was open. We took a long walk to pick up Erica’s best friend. She was having some trouble at home.

Saturday I was tired. I didn’t get to bed until like 4:30 am the night before. They forgot to make my appointment and I almost couldn’t see the foot doctor for the last time. I got to chill with Eli, one of my BFFs. Boots are heavy.i miss my light ones. They broke almost immediately. 

Week 7

Hubby and I made bruschetta on Sunday morning. My nose rings came. I changed it immediately. Hubby chose the blue one. I was afraid it was gonna be hard to screw the thing on but it was easy peasy. Played my music out loud. Kind of messed me up but whatever. It’s something I can get used to. Did not write until way later in the day. Which is weird.

On Monday I traveled to the Bronx when I got up. Didn’t forget anything this time, thank God. I went to the foot doctor. He said everything is looking good. Perfect. I took Erica to Taco Bell for the first time. She liked it. How could she not? I got Hubby the little adapter for iPhone headphones and headphones. Celeste came over and Erica did her hair. I braided Erica’s hair and my hands turned bright hot pink. Great.

Tuesday, I went to the stores with Mommy. It was nice to be out and about with her. I had to wait until after therapy to go home even though I wanted to run home as soon as I was done. I got home, laid on the bed, and passed right the fuck out. The headphones don’t work. A waste of 20 dollars because I lost the receipt. As we build it once again.

I made tuna melts for Hubby. He loved them. After that i took a Wednesday nap. Hubby always lies right where I just was. Is that a thing? My ring is huge on me now. Hubby’s is getting too small. It’s going along perfectly. I need this next tattoo. GRETTA!!! Assassin’s Creed Valhalla? whaaaattt? Yes please. I love the Assassin’s Creed franchise.My hands were still pink from Erica’s hair.

On Thursday I made delicious mac and cheese. And by that I mean that I spiced up Kraft mac n cheese just right. I felt trapped because of the rain. I need to find a tattoo artist. Oh man, I’m almost finished with my old journal. When I was younger I wanted to be an assassin when I grew up. That’s not weird right?

I want to get a zombie pinup girl on my thigh. Someday. Not that day, which was a Friday. My hair was a fabulous mess. I’m just curious, has it always been about sex? Even in the romantic times of chivalry and gentlemen? Run thine pockets everyone. I drew a pretty picture.

Last day in the  old journal. Whoop whoop. It was Saturday I should have thrown a little mini party. It was beautiful outside. Got to wear my sun hat and everything. Ass and titties. Ass and titties. Ass ass titties titties. Ass and titties. I had Domino’s cheesy bread. It was yummy. My phone is charging or, not charging, weird. I’m going to keep my eye on that. Celeste found us a tattoo artist! Yes! Samantha # 1

Week 6

On Sunday I got disappointed and was in a funk all day. We smoked a rage/sadness blunt. It helped a little. I’m cold then I’m hot then I’m cold then I’m hot. We must awaaay ere break of daaay. I like Zhu, like a lot. I wanna make a beautiful steampunk bottle. Better than the ones I did already. “I’m a beautiful butterfly” – A Bug’s Life. I love that movie.

A bottle I made for my sister, Martha.

Monday was the day of days. Happy 420!!! I rushed to the Bronx to get my foot fixed and forgot everything in Queens. Even my meds. I can’t believe. I had my foot reopened and stitched so it can finally heal right. Should take 2 weeks total. I can’t wait. My friend Eli came over to celebrate today and our friendiversary that just passed. It was really nice seeing him. I smoked a bowl, a blunt and a joint. In that order. Throughout the day not back to back. I didn’t wanna end up napping. I’m kind of glad I moved back to the basement. I missed being loud. My Beastie loves me.

My Beastie sleeping on my bed.

Tuesday was day 2 of no meds and it was not going well. I had a silent scream that I wanted cut out stuck in my chest. The buzzing was killing me.I made Gramma her favorite lunch. Simple eggs in a basket. I still don’t get why she likes it as much as she does. Hubby came and saved me. He picked me up when there was a tornado warning so I could come home without having to die on a 2 hr train ride and maybe get my foot wet. My new tongue rings and belly rings were waiting for me when I got home .I miss home. Wickham home. Pandora sings to my soul.

It was Wednesday and The Crimson Lady struck again… explains almost everything. I need confetti to throw to celebrate the small things now that I can’t smoke a victory cigarette. I had steak today ❤ Steak is like my favorite thing. That and burgers. Went to bed super early. Everything from the last couple days took a lot out of me. 

I have a door knocker tongue ring. Everything is almost right in my world on that Thursday. I’m tired of working dagnabit. I need a vacation. A real one. I feel like I’ll never finish my old journal and get to use my pretty new one. Boo. I should have brought my weights when Hubby saved me. Now I’ll have to just carry the 6lbs. That’s something I’ve been avoiding for months. Would you do Naked and Afraid? I don’t think I could. 

On Friday I got to go to Dollar Tree. Got some new coloring books and a couple other things. Like a notebook I don’t need. I couldn’t resist.i have no idea what I’m going to use it for. Maybe erotica. I feel like that genre deserves its own notebook. Maybe not, though. I made butternut squash with butter and brown sugar and bacon for dinner. I wrote another story while Hubby played Animal Crossing with his cousin. I wish I could speak and understand every language that there ever was and ever will be. On no… smoked too fast and got too twitchy. That’s when I went to bed.

Saturday morning I went shopping with Abuela. It was nice to go to the store with someone for a change. I wish I could take my mom shopping for clothes on her birthday. Stupid covid. First my Easter dress, now this? How will I get summer dressers that fit? My hands are so dry. It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again. I got to wear my lovely sun hat. We got to see Ben! Yay! I have missed him. My foot still hurts from the fixing. I hope that subsides soon. Like tomorrow would be great.

The Heist

The Heist by Samantha Cosme

The baby wiggled in her arms. Jessie was about to betray her best friend. The ultimate sin, but it had to be done.

“Where are you taking the princess,” the guard asked about halfway to freedom.

“I’m taking her to be bathed. The Queen is in a mood. Don’t bother her and stop bothering me.”

“So you will bathe her tiny highness in the kitchen?”

“Yes ,Reginald. Mind your business, would ya?”

Jessie had to be slick if she wanted to pull this off. Reginald almost messed her up. He asked too many questions. She ran silently through the palace with the sleeping infant. Desiree was such a good baby. She couldn’t be corrupted here, Jessie wouldn’t let her. They would secret the child away and raise her to know humility and the values of her people. Desiree would make a much better ruler that way.

Jessie and the Queen had been together for over 7 years. The Queen told Jessie everything and vise versa. Keeping this secret from her killed Jessie the whole time. It’s not that Jessie thought the Queen would make a bad mother, and she would, it was the values of the palace. A child growing up here would never touch the people the way her grandfather did. He was raised by a blacksmith. Time in the villages did him good and it would do her good as well.  Jessie just hated that she had to do this to the one she was closer to than any.

Elmer’s disguise was flawless. He really did look like the fabric merchant that came to the palace. He was their way out. He got into the gate. He moved his cart so that it was in the loading area that was slightly shrouded by bushes and a low hanging tree. All he could do now was wait for Jessie and her tiny package. Hopefully a sleeping one.

Jessie got to the opening but saw some guards approaching Elmer’s cart. Just then, Desiree decided to what up. “Hush not sweet girl,” Jessie cooed. She gave her a pacifier to suck on until she could feed her. 

“We thought tomorrow was when you were expected Mr. Saladin.”

“Oh no,” Jessie thought. He looked just like the merchant but could he sound like him?

*Cough cough* “I’m very sorry but this cold has taken my voice,” Elmer wheezed out. He was perfect. If they were caught they wouldn’t go to jail, they would be killed on the spot. 

“You there, take the purple fabric to the seamstress,” Jessie told a nearby urchin and gave him a gold coin. The urchin warily approached the wagon.

“G’day officers, just takin the delivery to Mistress Folive.” the urchin grabbed the fabric Jessie had wanted to make a dress out of and took it away. As he walked away, so did the guards. She ran to the cart and put the baby in the basket under more fabrics. She layed in her spot and “GO!”

Elmer didn’t need to be told twice. He got the horses moving and quick. They were beyond the gate in minutes. Jessie stayed in her spot to make sure it was really safe. She could feel that they were going full speed. When she finally emerged it was dark outside. “Where to?”

Elmer just looked at her and smiled. “To the furthest part of the kingdom and beyond, my love.”

They would raise Desiree as their own. They would bring her back when the time was right. Nothing could get in their way. This was for the good of the kingdom, after all.

Weeks 4 and 5

On Sunday I did my mom’s eyebrows and she did mine. A little while later I chilled with Gramma on the porch. We had a nice conversation.Still really want a cigarette but I won’t be smoking one. I rolled the perfect joint that day too. 

I quit because I wanted to – my mantra. Monday, I went back home to my husband whom I missed terribly. I took a nap and it was great. I chilled outside for a bit. I got to get my vitamin D, right? We gave the show Dave a try. I like it so far. It was REALLY hot in the room for some reason. I was miserable. I can’t sleep like that. All the sweat. Ew.

I ran errands with Hubby Tuesday. Omg i found one. I need a firm toothbrush to feel like I have a clean mouth. Soft and medium just don’t cut it. I wish my rings would be less loose. I pride myself on my adaptability. No cigarettes are just another thing I have to adapt to. I Bibled. Happiness is a state of mind. Frame of mind. Mind over matter. I got this. I found a rhinestone in my bowl as I smoked it. The house gnomes! This isn’t the first time I have had a mysterious rhinestone appear.

The next day I chilled outside and wrote. It was therapeutic.I want a zombie pinup girl as a tattoo. I think maybe on my thigh. Yes! I finally spoke to Nurse Michelle. I had been really worried about her and her family. I cut my fingernails. I’ll grow them long next time i think. Celeste came over and smoked with me. That was nice.

On Thursday I was very testy in the beginning of the day. I Bibled. All my clothes are either not fitting any more or finally fitting. Hooray darn. Hubby made me a mask outta 3 shirts. We chose the one that went best with my eyes and hair. Vain, I know. I vacuumed. Not my favorite thing. I wonder where my “Hello Reader” page in my diary is, or what page just screams Samantha.

That Friday was payday. Yay! I left the house at 6:30 am to get to the Bronx in time to do my tele appointment and go to the bank before the lines. I saw my Aria for a second when my sister came to pick up her check. We both work for Mommy. Dollar Tree had freakin Scooby Snacks. I love those. They are even good when they are stale. They left me alone on the line with a handful of stuff. I left with an overflowing basket full of stuff. 

On Saturday I made 2 weeks with no cigarettes. Spent a lot of time sleeping. I chilled with my sidekick (Aria) most of the time, though. Her little sister Hailey is sooo little. And she likes me. Erica painted one hand with easter stuff and left the other one white. I liked the cherry blossom the best. And the bunny.

Sunday was Easter! I got to see my nieces. I wore a pretty dress. Not a new one like I had wanted but a dress nonetheless. Saw my friend Celeste. Us adults had more fun coloring eggs than the kids. We had all kinds of paints and stickers. I wish I had thought to take a picture. My Bronx bong broke so I got a new one. It has Rick and Morty on it. I don’t want to call it rick and morty so i have to come up with a name for it. Im working on it. 

Monday it was pouring. I was gonna go home to Queens but Hubby said to travel the next day. Thank goodness because i didn’t want to travel in the rain. I didn’t have the right shoes and I still can’t get my foot wet. I went to sleep early but then woke up later that night. LIMU EMU and doug.

Finally got back home on Tuesday. Traveling always drains me. I ran errands with Hubby. I like when we do stuff together. I went to bed before Hubby. That is unheard of nowadays.

Wednesday. Finally I have tattoo money and the city is closed. I ordered body jewelry and a new journal. It felt nice to be able to do so. I have been eyeballing those belly rings since before my birthday (Jan. 20). Realized May is half a month away. That’s when I can get a new phone. Mine is slowing down, dying more and it has a cracked screen. Ew. It is also present month. Mommy’s and Hubby’s birthday are in May. not to mention mother’s day. I like watching Hubby play his RPGs.

On Thursday I had a little adventure to get everything for everybody. Walgreens and 2 supermarkets. Keep in mind I’m walking. When i get a list i like to get everything even if it means extra. I welcome the extra. I like to walk. Do you think this is biblical? The first horseman is pestilence. Pestilence = a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague. I Broke my Queens bong. I’m just having the worst luck with those. I can’t believe the week went by so quickly. The Disney sing along was on. We watched it. I liked it.

Friday, we ran around and I finally got the mint green nail polish I wanted. It looks great. I like it in the dark. Hubby likes it in the light. It’s called Highlight of My Summer. I got a new bong. His name is Sunev. I miss Stepmania. Why is a lot not one word?A year ago today Hubby was diagnosed with cancer. Shit is crazy. 

Saturday = 3 weeks with no cigarettes. Bam. still missing that morning cigarette though. And one right around 5. It was ugly out that day. My journal came a day early. So happy. We finally did the podcast. It’s been forever. I put the link below. I video chatted with my Aria and Gramma. I video chat with Gramma everyday now. I made peanut butter cookies. They were delicious. Hubby loved them. I looked at wedding rings on Etsy.com because mine are too big now. I inherited my mother’s expensive taste. I lost track of time and didn’t get to bed until after 2.

Week 3/ Week 1

I quit smoking on Sunday. I made a promise to the Lord that if Hubby’s tumor shrank, I would quit. It shrank so I quit. Things are getting worse and worse out there.I slept most of the day away. Easier to deal with the nicotine withdrawal that way.

Monday I heard and saw an unfamiliar bird while I stood in the morning sun. I stared at it trying to figure out what it was. I think it might have been a woodpecker or a blue jay. I don’t know all of the blue jay’s calls. I had trouble with my work website, so I didn’t get as much work done as i would have liked. I quit because I want to quit. I love coffee. That night I got a pretty bad mini asthma attack. It was kind of scary. I haven’t had one of those in a while. 

On Tuesday I woke up extra grumpy. I wish I had a polaroid camera. I’ll be forever known as hpnotiqSam throughout the internet and I’m just ok with that. I had teletherapy and hated it. I need the safety of her office for it to feel real. It needs to be out of my places. Completely separate. I wanna go to alaska and see the northern lights. They look so beautiful in pictures. I had an anxiety attack. I kind of sucked causing me to have to take my anxiety meds that make me sleepy. Hubby n I watched Mulan and Toy Story. It was great.

Happy april fools! It’s Wednesday. Day 4 of no cigarettes and it sucks.Gretta!!! I want my next tattoo. I want another susuwatari and anklet of stars to go with her. I need a pedicure Spoke to Martha and the babies <3. I love them all. Love never fails – 1 Corinthians 13:8 I miss Wickham (the old house). I have so many good memories there. Other people have memories there. When we moved it was a tragedy. 

Hailey, Aria and me

Thursday. I spoke to my mother like I do every morning. I chilled outside. It was beautiful. I didn’t nap for fear that it would ruin my bedtime. Not that i could go to sleep early even if i tried. I want to write a poem to a song… so a rap. I just love the song and I think it needs more words. I zoned out pretty hard. Sure wish I could dance around after midnight. But  alas, I can’t. 

Friday has come and quitting still sucks. My knee was hurting more than usual. I wanna go to the bird house in the  Bronx Zoo. when i whistle all the birds come out of hiding. It’s kind of awesome. I wanna workout but I need my foot to be all the way healed. The last thing I need is to rip it open again. Mish (old sister) made plans to pick me up and chill on Saturday in my house in the Bronx. I got really excited. I made chicken soup, everybody loved it. I wanna go o a nice date when this covid19 nonsense is all over. Like a dress up fancy kind of date.

On Saturday I had 1 week of no cigarettes. Mish fell through because of our ride not being able to leave the house. I don’t know why i got so excited. I went to the Bronx anyway on the train. I had a mask and gloves of course. I want a cool mask. Soon. I ran into a friend at the train station where I transfer. We caught up for a little while and then went our separate ways. I saw a lady that looked just like my sister with the babies, Martha. She kept staring at me like she knew me, which didn’t help.it wasn’t her though. All in all not a bad week.

Week 2

Last week wasn’t too bad. Only a little eventful. And not eventful at all on my side really.maybe a little but not really. On Sunday it hit me that  my two homes are blessed. No one has had to stop working. I came to terms with the fact that I can’t do squats because of my knee. When did my knee start to get bad? I thought it would be the other knee that gave me problems first. I watched church in the living room with Hubby and Abuela. It was nice. My wound is looking much better, thank God. I really want a chop cheese. I want my next tattoo already, Cornelius (the susuwatari on my wrist)  needs a friend on my ankle. I took a poll that night. Sunset vs sunrise. Sunset won by a lot. 

It was Monday and the day of Hubby’s scan. The one we’ve been waiting for. But I couldn’t go. I had to fight off an anxiety attack instead. I took a glorious nap. How do I keep scraping my hands? It rained and trapped me inside. That’s why I hate the rain. I had to sleep in a different room because Hubby was radioactive for a day.That room was like a freezer. Good thing there were warm blankets in there. The backstreet boys never let me down

Tuesday, I thought I wrote better with non gel pens. I was insanely tired this day. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why. Then it had finally been 24 hours since Hubby’s scan. First thing I did when I could was go lay next to Hubby and pass out. It was wonderful. My older sister is hurting my feelings by not picking up. The song “Tuesday” finally came on on a Tuesday.

On Wednesday the middle of my lip split and that sucks. It hurts everytime i smile. My Dollar Tree nail polish is staying on pretty good surprisingly. It’s a pretty light purple. I cooked more of the pumpkin soup. Everyone liked it again. This time I got the salt right and everything.Time went really slow. I hate it when it does that.

I had to go to the Bronx on Thursday so a doctor could look at my foot. He said do the same things but add iodine. Good work Hubby. I won a staring contest on the train. I had sun in one eye and still won. I got to go on the swings with music. It was magical. Hubby got the good news that his tumor is shrinking. I’m so happy about that. I met a friend’s puppy, Luna. She is such a cute pitbull puppy. I tried to call  my older sister again. I now officially give up. If she is interested in talking to me and keeping up with our sisterly relationship she can call me. I realized just how much I missed Erica while she was away. I’m glad she’s home.

Friday I slept a lot waiting for Celeste so pick me up and drive me home. She didn’t even get there until after 10 and by then it was too late. The Crimson Lady Strikes again! I saw a bee. They are already coming out. Sad face. I’m pretty sure I have super powers. Nobody can convince me otherwise.

    It was Saturday and I felt like a big ball of crap today. My stomach was killing me. I traveled back to Queens. The long train ride was even longer because the A train went local so instead of like 12 stops I had to sit there for 23 stops. I missed Hubby dearly. I wish the rain was a warm “play in me” rain. The cold rain is no fun. I fell asleep at like 4:30pm and did not wake up until the next morning. And I’m still tired.

Week 1 In This Crazy New Reality

My week was alright. I went to the Bronx on Sunday. I was feeling a bit under the weather but nothing major. I chilled with the family. My little sister missed me. It was nice spending time with them. In the evening I went to see Celeste and got to dance for one song. It was nice. I didn’t stay long though. When I looked at my foot there was a hole where it was supposed to be closed. 

On Monday I got Gramma some spring flowers for her vases. I change her flowers for the seasons. Winter was still there. I made her eggs in a basket, her favorite, for lunch. 

My foot is not looking so good. It’s kind of a hole. The doctor said I’d be good on Sunday but I think I ripped it open on Sunday. I took my sister Erica on a walk which was great because I love walks and I knew that they were coming to an end for a while. I wanted to go to the swings right away but she didn’t, so we agreed to go on the way back. I got to swing but not to music because I didn’t want to weird out the little girl next to me. Swinging is my most favorite thing to do.

Grandma’s Flowers

Every other tuesday is therapy day. I take my mental health very seriously. I’ve been on the other side and i didnt like it much. It was a good session. I decided to stop traveling on the trains. It was getting too risky. My cold was just about 100% gone. Thank God. I wonder what people think about me on the train. Are they good things? I try to think good things about other people. Try and send out the good vibes. The coughing fit I had on the A didn’t help my cause though. 

It was Wednesday and I couldn’t believe I was alive for something like this. This is gonna be in the history books. Put a skeleton for a story together but I couldn’t make it flow into a story yet. I went food shopping twice. Once alone and once with Hubby to make sure we got everything for this apocalypse. We got all the mac and cheese. I had an urge to create with the glue gun but I wasn’t in the right place. What would I even make? Another dream catcher? Maybe a cool mask. Still, there was a hole in my foot. I was starting to get really worried. 

The black pen for my diary didn’t work out, it was too fat. I love oreos. Not that that has anything to  do with it being thursday. We watched a lot of Too Cute. I love kittens too. I manned up and took the long walk to Walgreens to get wound closures. When I got back Hubby closed my foot up. I got a little upset because I can’t be in the Bronx as much as I’d like. I feel like my sidekick and my cats are gonna forget about me. Mommy reminded me that when I am there they are up my butt. I was still in a mood that led to an anxiety attack. I took meds for it and ended up going to bed somewhat early. 

Friday I couldn’t go with Hubby to his treatment so I was a little sad in the morning. I wrote the story that I wrote the skeleton for a couple days ago. We enjoyed the outside in the backyard. It was glorious. Stay positive. Silver linings. Always rainbows, Samantha. I still can’t believe what is going on globally. We are living in a movie. I realized I don’t have an easter dress and got a little upset. I bounced back quickly though. Why does my face have to be so difficult? Pick one. Oily or dry. Don’t you hate when you can feel a booger with every breath? I sure do. 

On Saturday I wished  I never started smoking cigarettes in the first place. My charger started charging correctly. Happy day! Abuela got a giant bag of some sort of leaf. Upon further inspection its dandelion. Great for tea. Hubby is loving it. I studied the bible in the backyard. It was a beautiful day. Abuela also got a giant bag of cubed pumpkin. I knew what to make instantly. I made spicy pumpkin soup, one of Hubby’s favorites. Abuela liked it alot too. I love making people happy with my cooking. I can’t wait to wear heels next to my tall husband. I couldn’t sleep, like, at all. 

Soup: https://www.budgetbytes.com/spicy-coconut-pumpkin-soup/

One of my hobbies are writing short stories. Enjoy and tell me what you think!

The Quarantine

By: Samantha Cosme

The story: 

The Quarantine by Samantha Cosme 

    It all started with the mysterious sandstorm that infected an entire continent. How could they have known across the world from its home desert there would be an infection caused by it. People didn’t take it seriously. Now the whole country was on lockdown. Everybody was uneasy. Reggie was uneasy.

    It was so empty outside. Reggie’s footsteps echoed in the middle of the day. He was on his way to the visiting center. This whole thing was crazy. You know the hush during a good snow storm? That’s what it sounded like outside but it was July. At first reggie went about his business as if nothing was wrong. It didn’t register in his head until his sister got sick. They didn’t live together so he was safe, but they were very close. 

    Reggie walked through a swarm of gnats. He didn’t even notice. He had too much on his mind. The mask he wore helped too. Would the streets ever be crowded again? More and more people were getting sick. Reggie wondered if his mask was even helping. He walked because public transportation was suspended until further notice. Reggie looked at all the closed stores. How many people had this thing affected? Thousands of healthy people, he suspected. Between two houses there were a couple of women fighting over a loaf of bread. Things were getting too real for Reggie. 

Reggie finally got to the visiting center. He waited to be tested with a rapid test for the sickness. He was clear as usual. He was led to a room with a glass wall splitting it in two. Everything looked very sterile. His sister walked into the room on the other side of the glass. He prayed for her to recover and put his hand on the glass. She outreached her hand and also touched the glass. They could barely feel each other’s warmth. She seemed stable. They spoke of their week apart. Reggie told her of all the things he saw on the walk to see her. 

He left with tears in his eyes. Reggie’s sister didn’t see them but they were there. He was afraid soon all he would have left were the photos. Reggie wanted to do something more than just surviving. He felt like this was going to be the new way of life forever. He wasn’t ready for that. He didn’t think anybody was.

Another week with Samantha

    I had a pretty good week. I can’t really complain. Daylights saving gave me jet lag. I woke up an hour and a half later than I wanted to. Same thing happened the next day too. I felt like I wasted the morning. We dressed up to watch church. I wore a flowery skirt. It was great. Church was nice. I’m glad Hubby is joining me on this journey. It means alot to me. I did math homework with Ben. He’s learning multiplication and division. It’s hard not to just give the answers to him but I’m getting better. So is he. After we dropped him off we went to the diner which was nice. I love diners.

Monday I went to the Bronx. I had to leave at 6:30 am for an appointment over there at 9. On the train every time I coughed or the one time I sneezed people looked at me like “OMG”. Understandable but come on. While I was working in my mother’s living room I saved my little sister’s friend’s life. I looked back because he said something. I saw something crawling but I was like nah. I took another look and low and behold it was a pretty big spider crawling around on the edge of his hood about to go inside. I smashed it and violated the Great Spider Treaty. I’ll write out that story and post it soon. I found a book that was just what I was looking for for Bible studying, which I do every day. I like to write down the verses that speak to me in some way. Then I use the JW Bible which has verses that relate to the verses so I kind of go down the rabbit hole with it and I write and highlight what I like. I got a new bong. His name is Sir Peepz. He works like a charm. I finished making a dream catcher for the room. I love it. I can make them on request just let me know. 

Tuesday I chilled with Gramma. And by chilled I mean I stayed with her and made sure she didn’t get into trouble and got her everything she needed. I made her her favorite lunch, eggs in a basket. I had to cancel therapy which really sucks. I need to talk to her about a billion things. They same things but still. Apparently I’m whoomp now compared to high school. At least that’s what I was told. I think maybe they are right? But that’s because adulting is hard. I took the long 2 hour ride back home to Hubby. It was annoying because my hands were full with the dream catcher and the painting my little sister painted that I thought was perfect. Took a poll: coffee or tea. Tea won. I was on coffee’s side even though I’m cutting down. I mean chai tea and the fireside vanilla spice one i have are amazing but still. Coffee. 

Wednesday I was in a creative funk. I didn’t wanna color or write anything but I did but I couldn’t. It was infuriating. I started to have 2 cups of coffee a day instead of 3 a day. I was at 4 then I went down to 3. Now it was time to go down again. Why do zombie movies give me nightmares but not other horror movies? I can watch the scariest ghost, monster or slasher horror movie and be totally fine. Let there be zombies though, and nightmares for sure. Sadly, I love zombie movies. It’s a problem.

Thursday I saw the signs of spring. I saw that cherry blossom tree. Hubby’s uncle’s dog was in the house. Her name is Ginger. Ginger was loving us. I let her outside with me while I was smoking a cigarette and Hubby was laying with her in the bed. They looked so cute. I had a migraine and took a nap. I don’t usually nap anymore. I felt like I had wasted the whole day. I dont nap anymore because I wake up feeling like I missed something or there was some chore to be done and I didnt get to it because I went to sleep. Thank goodness I broke my creative funk with a story. I’ve had funks last weeks. I’m getting better at breaking them.

It was Friday the 13th. It is lucky to me. I know a lot of people think of it as a bad luck day but things usually go good for me on that date. I worked out, which I have been meaning to do. I was so proud of myself. Finally started waking up at the right time so I had time. Couldn’t keep it up though. I’ll try again next week. We went to the doctor and got good blood and weight results. We went to the diner after then picked up little man. We are working on the 2 and 3 times tables. He did pretty good when I tested him after writing them 3 times each and reading them over and over. 

Today I saw daffodils! The true spring flower. They made me so happy on the way to Walgreens. Now I’m just waiting for the dandelions. I finally painted my nails. I kept putting it off because I hate just sitting there. I always mess them up. This time it was just one. They are a light purple called garden party. I’m still going strong with the 2 cups of coffee. I got a little tired in the afternoon but I’m also feeling under the weather. I’ve been taking medicine all day so hopefully i get rid of this cold.

  Here is the story that broke the funk: 


    I had never been out of my village before. Then I met the man in the tavern. He introduced himself and Thomas the Red. he had a great orange beard but no hair on his head. He looked friendly in a surly way. He called me over to him.

    “You look like you know your way around a sword,” he said.

    “Yes, and I’m excellent at tracking as well.” I had heard he was looking for people to join him on an adventure of epic proportions. That’s just what I needed. He told me to meet him at the edge of the jungle at dawn. I went home and packed. What does one bring on an adventure? I packed clothes and some basic toiletries like deodorant. I also packed every non perishable food I had. Cans are heavy but I wasn’t going to starve. 

 I couldn’t sleep one wink that night. I was too excited. A real quest? Me? I was almost too much. Thomas and the other men were waiting for me when I got there. I got there before sunrise, mind you. We immediately set out. The jungle was thick and largely unexplored. There was a tale about an ancient civilization and there ruins being somewhere in the jungle. That’s where we were heading. There was supposed to be roads paved with jewels in that ruin.

The sun came down in patches on the floor. The jungle foliage covered most of the sky. We trudged on until lunch time, I shared what I had to lighten my load. It was going to get eaten one way or another anyway. During lunch a young man asked me to train him. Word of my excellent swordsmanship had traveled apparently. I told him we would have plenty of time so of course I would. 

After lunch we walked until we came to The Great River. The ruins were supposed to be several miles down the river.”This is gonna be a long boat ride,” I thought to myself. It turns out we were actually going to walk it. The river was too dangerous. That wasn’t a problem for me. I loved walking and got sick on boats. It saved me the embarrassment. That might also have dehydrated me which would be no good. I know we were next to a water source but no one had a filter of any kind. Tragic. 

We sang a song or twenty to pass the time. When we were about three quarters of the way there, there was a hush among us. Nobody had ever been this far down the river. I ran out of food two days ago and i had enough for at least five. Nobody knew what to expect. We had already battled the wildlife and lost someone to a poisonous plant. Legend had it that the ruins were protected by the fierce ghosts of the people that lived there. We all believed it. We still weren’t prepared for what was to come.

To be continued…

Spring is Finally Here…

    Spring is finally here. I love the winter and like everything about it but eventually I get tired of bundling up. I need to wear cute clothes again. I lost a few pounds and want to show it off. I was walking with Hubby back from the bodega and I saw the prettiest first sign of spring besides the weather. 

Ooh! Cherry blossoms!

Usually I look for the daffodils and the dandelions as the first sign but not this year. Well technically this year. I saw all the green from the daffodils and got excited like last week. But the tree actually has flowers. It filled me with such joy. 

This year the vernal, or spring equinox is on the 19th of March. That is the earliest one in 124 years. I thought that was kind of kool. A leap year AND a special equinox. Vernal means new  and fresh. I’m ready for a fresh…not start… I don’t know how to put it. A fresh outlook? No…a breath of fresh air. I think that’s the best way to put it. The spring symbolizes rebirth and awakening to me. Everybody needs a little bit of that in their life every year. It takes away the winter blues most people get. 

For instance, when I ask my friend Celeste what spring means to her, she says “summer is coming”. Not only does it mean bright colors and flowers but it gives a lot of people something to look forward to. Summer isn’t too far away anymore. I personally don’t like summer. So for me it means my favorite season ,fall, is that much closer. 

In my neighborhood there are parakeets that live around. When I saw them about a month ago I thought it was too cold for them, but they knew what was coming. They knew the groundhog hadn’t seen his shadow.  I can’t wait for the sparrows to do the “I’m so pretty” dance. I love to watch them hop and twist around trying to get a lady. 

Soon the sparrow family in the eave of the next door neighbor’s porch in the Bronx will start to flit about and sing. Then my Gramma can watch and listen to them. She loves that.Grandma doesn’t get out much in the winter because it’s too cold to just sit on the porch. Spring means she can enjoy her days better. She looks out the window longingly all the time. Now she can finally be closer and look at the changing world around her. Not too far of course, not with this coronavirus business. 

Hello Mr.Robin

Today I saw a robin. The first one of the year. He was just chilling in the yard saying hello. I love birds and basically all animals. But the birds especially. I know the call of the cardinal by heart. I haven’t seen one of those over here yet. Makes me kind of sad because they have always been where I live. I’m sure spring will bring them around. Even though they are birds that stay the winter and should be here already. Spring just makes me so happy.  


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